Welcome - What's inside

Hi my Name is Eric Williams, co-owner here at Edge4Life training, and I’d like to get you excited about making progress with your pullups – that might be, getting your first pullup, getting from 1 pullup to 5 pullups, getting from 5 pullups to 10 and then, finally your first muscle up.

Just what is our program and what makes it special.  Let me stop to acknowledge that yes, there are 100s of free programs, youtube videos, numbers in spreadsheets and so on.  And I’m sure they are all perfectly good in their own regard.  But, we intend to do it better.

Also, you may have worked at these diligently in the past and decided, you know what, maybe this isn’t for me. I put in the time, I don’t think I can get it.  I am here to reinvigorate that process and tell you that you absolutely can get these movements down.  You just have to think about them in the right way.

Let me start by asking you a few questions:

-       Starting from right now, where you are, how far away are you from a pullup?  How would you even know?

-       How would you know, then, what program to pick?

-       What possible assurance do you have that it will actually work?

-       What if the author assumes you are stronger than you are?  What if they assume you are short?  What if they assume you have never done a pullup before (vs. if you had 10 before and just lost them).

These are all really important questions!

How on earth can I teach you French if I have no idea what your level of French is?  How can I teach you how to service your own brake pads if I don’t know what tools you have, what kind of car you have and if you can even jack up your car to get underneath it?

Now, fortunately, getting a pullup is way more simple than all of that.  BUT, the questions remain – where are you now, where are you going and what do you have to do to get there?

Not only do we answer that question EXACTLY with a test applied to over a 100s of people that has remarkable consistency and ability to predict how these programs will go, but have had actual progress from square 1 starting point to success using exactly these programs. 

Check out the next video to help decide where you are at and where you need to start.

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